1.02 - Brought to Book

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1.02 - Brought to Book

Post by Allard »

LOST EPISODE - episode summary from The Avengers Dissolute website:

Having escaped them last time, Dr Keel and Steed seek to bring Vance into custody. Keel infiltrates Vance's gang, whilst Steed manipulates Vance's rival, Mason. Both gangs realise too late that they have been deceived and Peggy's murder is successfully avenged.
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Post by dissolute »

I've updated my page for this episode for the 60th anniversary after doing more research:

https://www.dissolute.com.au/the-avenge ... -book.html

Production completed: 12 January 1961. First transmission: 14 January 1961

This episode summary is written from the original scripts as this episode is now lost. There may have been changes made during filming.

Prentice and Lale (Lionel Burns and Redmond Bailey) are in Prentice's bookmakers' when they are visited by Pretty Boy and Bart (Clifford Elkin and Neil McCarthy), two of Vance's enforcers, who demand the monthly protection money. Pretty Boy is astonished when Prentice refuses, saying he's already paid someone else. Rival gang leader Nick Mason (Charles Morgan) enters the shop with Spicer and Peters (Godfrey Quigley and Charles Bird); they accost them and Mason tells Pretty Boy they're moving in on his gang's turf and to prove he means business he slashes Pretty Boy's face with a razor.

Meanwhile, at Dr Keel's surgery, the new receptionist, Carol (Ingrid Hafner) is finding Dr Keel (Ian Hendry) hard to work with, as he's distracted with tracking down Peggy's killers. Tredding (Philip Stone) sympathises with Keel and urges him to tread carefully but they are interrupted by a phone call for Keel. An unknown woman on the line summons him to the House of the Rising Sun but gives no details.
At the Rising Sun, a seedy team house cum club bar, Steed (Patrick Macnee) awaits him in one of the shadowy alcoves. He tells Keel his name - a detail he had always neglected before - and confirms it was he who shot Charlie when he saw he was about to shoot Keel then informs Keel that Spicer has returned, working for a new master. He explains about Mason taking on Ronnie Vance for the protection racket and mentions that he's working undercover - as one of Mason's gang! Spicer has been hired to murder Vance and they're get their proof at last - Keel is to infiltrate Vance's gang as Pretty Boy needs a bent doctor urgently... and Vance likes to drink at the Rising Sun. Steed has arrange a "little drama" to convince Vance.

Steed hides away when Vance (Robert James) and Bart arrive, Vance taking a stool at the bar with a view of both doors. He argues with Bart about failing to look after his brother as Keel takes another stool further down the bar and puts his medical bag on the counter as he orders a scotch. Suddenly, Inspector Wilson and his sergeant (Alister Williamson and Astor Sklair) burst in. Keel, seeing them, slips a packet of white powder out of his bag and hides it in a bowl of peanuts, then slides the bowl towards Vance. Wilson eyes Vance and has a brief word before saying they're not after him, today, then turns to Keel. He orders his sergeant to search the medical bag and asks him about failing to enter heroin on his medical register. Vance maliciously picks up the bowl of nuts and, so Keel can see, eats a couple. The sergeant finds nothing in the bag and as they turn to leave, Vance offers the Inspector a nut from the bowl! The sergeant says Keel may have already passed on the drugs and eyes Vance who protests his innocence. Wilson says it must have been to someone and searches the alcoves, but stares blankly at Steed when he comes face to face with him; "Not a soul...", he says, and the police depart.
Vance digs the packet out of the bowl and affects surprise, then quickly checks the alcoves himself to make sure they're alone - and Steed has vanished. He is elated when he discovers Keel still has a legitimate practice and offers him money to work for him and they depart together. Steed re-emerges and murmurs, "The spider and the fly...". Lila, at his side wonders which is which.

Steed plays snooker with Mason and carelessly reveals he knows about Spicer killing Peggy but recovers by talking about moving in on Vance. Keel has meanwhile stitched up Pretty Boy's face up and met the gang's moll, Jackie (Carole White), who takes a shine to him. Vance disappoints Pretty Boy by telling him he's to stay inside and turns to Keel, returning the heroin and handing him a drink. He thinks himself a man of culture and points out his expensive furnishings to the doctor.

Back at the surgery later, Carol lets Steed, who complains of trouble with his eyes, in to see Keel. While he pretends to examine him, they discuss the upcoming plan. Keel is to unlock a door to let Spicer in to assassinate Vance but the police have been tipped off and will arrive at the right time to catch him, Vance's thugs will have been diverted by Mason moving on all the bookmakers in the area so the brothers will be alone. He hands him his phone humber and tells him to memorise it then destroy it, and gives him code phrases to indicate if Vance is alone or not.

Mason's men move in, smashing up shops and firing shotguns as they smash their way through London. Steed phones Keel and tells him to get over to Vance's immediately.

Vance, sure enough, mobilises his men to retalliate. Keel goes to use the phone, making Vance wary, but he says he's ringing his own bookie to place a bet on the 3.30. "Only two runners worth considering....Put fifty on will you?", he says into the phone, delivering Steed's code phrase to indicate the Vance brothers are alone. Keel hangs up and Steed turns to Inspector Wilson, telling him to be on his way. Steed then phones Spicer to tell him the door will be unlocked and is concerned when Spicer queries where Steed is. He says in a public phone booth but he'll be at the Rising Sun later. Spicer hangs up and Mason smiles at him and tells him to make it a neat job.

Jackie enters the main room at Vance's and flips on some loud dance music, which Vance immediately turns off. He orders Keel to take her for a walk, which worries Keel who was supposed to identify Spicer when he bursts in. Fortunately, Pretty Boy objects jealously to Jackie going anywhere with Keel so she leaves by herself while Keel goes to fetch a bottle of scoth from the kitchen. At that point, Vance received a phone call from an unexpected voice...
A short time later, a black car pulls up outside and a shadowy figure approaches the house carefully. Keel stares as he sees the door handle turn but is aghast when Mason enters instead of Spicer. Mason enters and reassures Vance he came alone, as promised, and tells Vance, "Someone's playing both ends against the middle...."
Just then, Wilson bursts in with his men and they frisk all those assembled and are puzzled when they find no guns. "See what I mean?", Mason whispers to Vance. The police depart, defeated, and Mason explains to Vance it was a big fix and he knows the "smooth talker" behind it - and Spicer is going to the Rising Sun to deal with him now! Vance thanks him for saving them both from being nicked and then realises the door must have been unlocked for Mason to get in, he turns on Keel, but the doctor is gone, the door wide open in his wake.

Steed and Lila wait in the Rising Sun, Steed worried about his amateur assistant. Keel bursts in to warn him to get out of there but, as Steed demurs and footsteps are heard outside, Keel punched him in the face, knocking him to the ground, and when Spicer enters, Keel is bent over Steed's prostrate figure. He keeps Steed from moving as he recovers by holding his hands down and, face averted, tells Spicer that Steed is dead then says, "You won't have to kill him now - will you, Spicer?" Spicer reacts to him knowing his name then he sees Keel's face for the first time and swears, "You!" Keel, tight-lipped, tells him Peggy was full of life but Spicer cut it short, they struggle and Spicer's gun goes off. Keel throws him along the bar a Judo move and, when he rises, Steed appear behind him and bops him with a bottle, knocking Spicer out.

Keel tells Steed everything went wrong with the plan but is determined they will learn what they want from Spicer so he throws water over him then threatens him with a hypodermic syringe (Sound familiar?). Spicer holds out for while then spills the beans on Mason, Lloyd, Peters, Jim Murphy and Bart Martin, just as Wilson arrives to arrest him. Steed is shocked when Keel tells him he would have used the syringe if he'd had to - it only contained a harmless barbituate. Steed offers Keel an ongoing job assisting him in defeating crime, telling him crime is a disease. Steed foreshadows Emma Peel by several years by saying, "We'll only call on you when you're needed - really needed".
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Post by Frankymole »

I think I read that Lila throws (Steed's? Keel's?) drink in Spicer's face at the start or during the fight. Probably in Alan Hayes's/Richard McGinlay's book.

I enjoyed this on Big Finish recently. Quite sinister and atmospheric.

Steed is extremely "hands on" with Lila though. As Macnee said of Steed in an early Series 1-period interview he is a "wolf with the ladies"! Luckily Lila doesn't seem to mind, they even seem familiar with each other so perhaps they've worked together before.
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Post by dissolute »

Ah, thank you, so she doesn't start the fight by throwing a drink in his face but revives him after.

In the rehearsal script :

Code: Select all

KEEL: He's got to talk...

In the camera script there are no stage directions so I was going off the rehearsal script - obviously too much!

This is what it reads for that point:

Code: Select all


STEED: Freshen him up a bit, 
Lila. No, no, it's your party 
now. O.K. Spicer, go ahead and
I'll revise this episode and check any others where I've referred to the rehearsal script.
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Post by Frankymole »

One of the joys for me is seeing Steed gradually grow into a reflective experienced gentleman from a rather libidinous type of chap (no doubt in reaction to his war years and subsequent life-or-death existence - grab every sensual experience possible, for tomorrow we die!). Contrary to popular opinion, this doesn't happen all-of-a-sudden at the start of season 4. He gets developed (by Hendry as well as Macnee working on the scripts, as well as the writers) right through the first series, then more rough edges are knocked off by Cathy. And in the New Avengers he is yet more sombre, having had a lot of losses - but still with a sense of fun (and plenty of lady friends still lining up at Steed's Stud!)...
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Maybe you can help me again, I know there's at least one of the early episodes where Steed says he's operating outside the law and can't really call in the police - or something along those lines - but now I want to reference it in an episode update, I can't remember where it was!

Anyone know?
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Post by Frankymole »

I don't know offhand, and a quick flip through McGinlay doesn't remind me, but I'll keep an ear out for it.
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Post by Frankymole »

dissolute wrote:Agreed.

Maybe you can help me again, I know there's at least one of the early episodes where Steed says he's operating outside the law and can't really call in the police - or something along those lines - but now I want to reference it in an episode update, I can't remember where it was!

Anyone know?
At the start of Act Two of "Dance With Death" Steed is told by Dr Keel about the murder-by-Keel's-scarf that ended Act One, and says "I've got no influence with the police. Their investigations are proceeding, to coin a phrase" just before discussing Dr Keel's surgery redecoration. That's the closest I've found so far, but my "investigations are proceeding" :)
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Post by mousemeat »

dissolute wrote:Agreed.

Maybe you can help me again, I know there's at least one of the early episodes where Steed says he's operating outside the law and can't really call in the police - or something along those lines - but now I want to reference it in an episode update, I can't remember where it was!

Anyone know?

let me think on this....always thought how amazing Steed's character has changed and grown..since the very early days that first season...by the time Ian departed, and Honor arrived as 'Mrs.Gale' Steed was changing..and for the better..breaking / skirting the law, or not...
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Post by dissolute »

Frankymole wrote:
dissolute wrote:Agreed.

Maybe you can help me again, I know there's at least one of the early episodes where Steed says he's operating outside the law and can't really call in the police - or something along those lines - but now I want to reference it in an episode update, I can't remember where it was!

Anyone know?
At the start of Act Two of "Dance With Death" Steed is told by Dr Keel about the murder-by-Keel's-scarf that ended Act One, and says "I've got no influence with the police. Their investigations are proceeding, to coin a phrase" just before discussing Dr Keel's surgery redecoration. That's the closest I've found so far, but my "investigations are proceeding" :)
That's the one!!! Thank you!
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